Vintage cut glass lights

We’re all familiar with the way too common boob light. Now meet the nipple light.

(A really bad picture of a really bad fixture).

Ugly 80s light fixture

This light graced the main bathroom.

Honestly, the light fixture is the least of the problems with this bathroom, but it really bothered me. It was painted, rusted and had absolutely no personality.

Browsing Value Village one day, I found a perfect replacement.

Value Village light fixture

At first glance, you may not agree that this is the perfect light, but let me show you the other lighting in the bathroom.

Vintage cut glass pendant lights

I’m sure your first reaction is not unconditional love for these lights (mine wasn’t), but they’ve totally grown on me since we’ve been living here. Sure they’re vintage. They’re a little bit rusted in a few spots. But they have personality. The shape of the shades is pretty unique and the glass, in my opinion, is just plain pretty.

Cut glass hanging light fixture

The cut glass on my thrifted fixture was a much better match than the nipple light. What wasn’t a match was the pseudo brass base. It took me three attempts to find the right colour of spray paint. ORB was way too dark. Pewter was too bright. Rosemary (what kind of a name is that for a metallic spray paint?) turned out to be the closest. It’s a silver with some gold undertones. It’s still a bit light, but it’s close enough.

Cut glass light fixture

Here’s how the lights look all together and lit up.

Vintage cut glass light fixtures

I love the patterns the cut glass makes on the ceiling. It’s a bit of prettiness that distracts me from the rest of the ugliness in the bathroom.

Alright, let me have it. What do you think of my lights? Are you a cut glass fan or are they too vintage for you?

14 thoughts on “Vintage cut glass lights

  1. What a great find. They look fabulous together.
    I love cut glass, I have a collection of candy dishes with lids and relish trays.
    Our latest score is an old record player console. I have old stereo guts strewn across my livingroom floor.

  2. You’ve actually kind of sold me on them! 😉 I normally am not a big fan of cut glass and (especially) ornate brass, but your new fixture is A) WAY better than the one that was there before, B) a nice match for the others, and C) extremely pretty on the ceiling with the patterns. I’m so glad you painted that base, though! The original finish looked like plastic. I think these lights would grow on me; they are pretty. And a massive improvement on the original!

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