Pretty peonies

Bright pink peonies in front of a steel silo and old barn

We’re fortunate that we have numerous peony plants growing around the property.

Fuschia peony

I’ve moved a few into the gardens that I’ve reclaimed, but most are still out in the undomesticated wilderness.

White peony bud

They’re all different shades and are a beautiful splash of colour.

Light pink peony

I never pick a bouquet of peonies because I’m cautious about ants, but it would be nice to have some the beauty inside as well as out. Am I worrying unnecessarily?

Who else is a peony fan? Do you have a favourite colour? Any tips for peony care?

14 thoughts on “Pretty peonies

  1. Oh I love a bouquet of peonies in a pretty vase. They might be my favorite flower. Ants be damned. Cut some now before you lose them to a heavy rain. I give them a good shake, flick as many ants off while we are still outside and squish the rest in my kitchen sink.

  2. Your peonies are simply gorgeous!! And growing wild!! My great aunt used to grow them in her garden here in South Carolina, but they required a lot of care. They were just beautiful though and I am amazed you have them growing wild!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Your flowers are so beautiful! I love peonies, but haven’t had the courage to try growing them myself. After reading this though it gives me hope that they might not be too hard to grow.

    • They’re definitely not hard to grow in my experience. They’re easy to split too, so if you find someone who has them, you can get a root from them. I’ve read that August is the time to split and transplant peonies. Go for it!

  4. Hi Julia,

    I love peonies too but Grandpa Thomson would never let them in the house because of the ants that “tease” the buds open.

    Thanks for sharing them.

    Auntie Anne

  5. I love a bouquet of peonies, they’re gorgeous and scent up the whole place! Yours are lovely, and so varied. I’ve never had a problem with ants in the peonies, but giving them a shake and a rinse is probably a good idea.

  6. I love peonies! I had some at my old house but none at my current house. đŸ˜¦ I have brought them in before and not really had a problem with ants, but I do look them over pretty well first.

  7. Peonies are my favourite. I am looking at adding more to my garden. I love all shades of pink peonies. I love bringing them in the house – the scent is amazing and they look so beautiful in a square vase. I have never had much issue with the ants, just check them over first. If they are still closed up tight, you could try dunking them in water before bringing them in. That would drown any ants.

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