Odds & sods

The highlight of this month (as in every February) is Ellie’s birthday. Our girl is six. I am so proud of what a smart, kind, enthusiastic, giving, curious person she is. It’s amazing to watch her grow and learn and see who she is becoming.

We celebrated with treats at school, a trip to a butterfly conservatory, a party with friends here at the farm and dinners (yes, plural) with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. It’s been a big birthday month.

Online, it’s easy to present a “highlight reel.” Only those moments that are shiny and idyllic. We have lots of those in our life. But there’s also reality. A sixth birthday is exciting. It’s also exhausting, and there are lots of big feelings to go with that.

Baking cakes, finding the right presents, planning special outings, designing an epic scavenger hunt, and coordinating everything all take a lot of energy too. (Though it’s worth it for all of the fun things I was able to do with our girl.) While my mood swings have been less than Ellie’s, I’m ending this month pretty tired.

But it’s winter break for the college, so I will be taking advantage of not teaching to regroup this week. My to-do list is a bit ambitious, but hopefully I can find some rest too.

Amongst the busy birthday-ness of the month, here are some things that caught my attention.

This historic mansion is for sale. I can’t decide if my favourite feature is the porch or the staircase.

Beyonce’s new song has been stuck in my head since the Super Bowl. It’s certainly catchy, but I wouldn’t mind some peace and quiet. (Anyone want to learn the dance with me?)

Anything can be listified. Ellie got this book for Christmas and it’s been so interesting to read together. (It is great for “stumble upon” learning.)

My book of the month. (I’ve ordered book two in the hopes that I’ve found a new mystery series to read.)

Inspiration for my next trip with Ellie. (Matt’s Mom’s family is Swiss, so that gives us a great excuse to go, right?)

“Rest is not the absence of activity but the presence of peace.”

Jo Saxton

I will be finishing February with marking, lesson planning, catching up with some clients, income tax prep, sap boiling, a trip to the dentist, lunch with my Mom and hopefully meeting up with another friend. My big hope is that I’ll have time to work on the finishing touches for Ellie’s room, so I can share a reveal of that soon. It’s a leap year. Maybe that extra day will do the trick.

Have you had any special celebrations in February? How are you spending your leap year?

2 thoughts on “Odds & sods

  1. What a beautiful picture to start your blog this month. Stunning and so peaceful !

    Happy Birthday to Ellie !!!!!! Sounds like wonderful birthday celebration(s) you planned for her sixth birthday. Lovely memories she’ll carry with her.

    Wow, that is quite the mansion isn’t it. I love the staircase too. Being I’m born from two British parents I love the English decor and landscaping as well.

    I had the good fortune to travel to the Italian Lakes District and Switzerland last Spring. I had many conversations with your Swiss born mother-in-law about her take on her homeland. I’d highly recommend making the trip. We saw the Matterhorn with no cloud cover at its peak, a rarity we were told. Wandering through the old town of Zermatt, seeing the thick slat stone roofs, was like stepping back in time. With its high snow capped alps, pretty vineyards, covered bridges, gorgeous lakes, Switzerland is most definitely a beautiful country. As a souvenir my husband and I brought back this pair of Swiss gnomes, pic taken in Switzerland.

    Enjoy your college break and your plans for the last few days of February.


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